Because the most effective ministry to people effected by LGBTQ is Pastoral Care inside the local church.

How will you mentor the man who struggles with same-sex attractions and wants to live obediently?
What's your advice to the Christian parents whose daughter just "came out" to them? How will you answer the gay couple who visit your church asking to be married?
What will you teach the young people in your church who have gay friends and want to know what to say or not say to them? How will you address the pastoral challenges LGBTQ poses?

In this 18-part video series,

I've put together key strategies

for pastors to:

Mentor the same-sex attracted
Answer the questions and criticisms that so often come your way
when you address the topic
Develop curriculum for teaching children and youth
Rebut the claims of gay-affirming theologians
Establish in house ministry to Same-Sex Strugglers
and to Parents of LGBTQ children
Understand the roots and resolution of homosexuality
Address the questions and concerns of transgender people
Develop church policies and procedures to meet ethical
and legal challenges the modern church faces
Explain to non-believers
• Where we stand on sexuality
• Why we stand there
• How we take our stand

The issue is here.

The need is growing.
It's time to respond.

Let's respond together.

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